• immagine-la-storia-di-monty-e-la-sindrome-di-down-negli-animali

    Monty's story and Down syndrome in animals

    Certainly, Monty was not born yesterday, but in recent days, the story of this cat with Down syndrome is spreading Read More
  • immagine Alano

    Great Dane dog

    The Great Dane dog is considered the biggest and most powerful of dogs. Protective, affectionate and balanced, he loves company Read More
  • image Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to cure it

    Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to treat it

    Mastitis is defined as an inflammation of the breasts. For obvious reasons, it affects only females and in the case Read More
  • immagine La FeLV del gatto: cos’è, come riconoscerla e come prevenirla

    FeLV in cats: what is it? how should we recognize it? how do we prevent it?

    Cats are much more likely than dogs to contract infectious diseases. Read More
  • immagine In caso di incidente è obbligatorio soccorrere l'animale

    In case of an accident we must rescue our pet

    The long list of measures in favour of our four-legged friends continues, also as regards to the behaviour to be Read More
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  • immagine-la-storia-di-monty-e-la-sindrome-di-down-negli-animali

    Monty's story and Down syndrome in animals

    Certainly, Monty was not born yesterday, but in recent days, the story of this cat with Down syndrome is spreading Read More
  • immagine Alano

    Great Dane dog

    The Great Dane dog is considered the biggest and most powerful of dogs. Protective, affectionate and balanced, he loves company Read More
  • image Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to cure it

    Mastitis in dogs and cats: what is it and how to treat it

    Mastitis is defined as an inflammation of the breasts. For obvious reasons, it affects only females and in the case Read More
  • immagine La FeLV del gatto: cos’è, come riconoscerla e come prevenirla

    FeLV in cats: what is it? how should we recognize it? how do we prevent it?

    Cats are much more likely than dogs to contract infectious diseases. Read More
  • immagine In caso di incidente è obbligatorio soccorrere l'animale

    In case of an accident we must rescue our pet

    The long list of measures in favour of our four-legged friends continues, also as regards to the behaviour to be Read More
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immagine Il cioccolato è tossico per il cane?

Dogs and cat eating chocolate! is it toxic?

Some argue that this is just a rumour, others categorically refuse to feed this to out four-legged friend. We speak of course of chocolate, one of the most toxic foods for dogs and cats, which unfortunately, not all owners recognize as such. Let's find out why chocolate and cocoa are dangerous for animals and what are the symptoms and therapies in case of ingestion.

Theobromine, the real responsible

Chocolate, tea, coffee and cola-based drinks help us stay awake and active immediately after ingesting them,we now consider them as our daily "fuel". This effect is due to the presence of alkaloid substances - called "methylxanthines" - different for each of these foods, but which have the same properties in common. In particular, we find caffeine in coffee, theophylline in tea and theobromine in chocolate.

The effects of xanthines on the body are mainly associated with:

  • Excitement and hyperactivity
  • Increased gastrointestinal motility (possible diarrhea and vomiting)
  • Increased heart function (accelerated beat)
  • Muscle contraction
  • Increased diuresis (increased urine production)

All this occurs both in humans and in animals. The big difference, however, lies in the different metabolism - that is, the ability to eliminate a substance introduced into the body - between the various species. The dog and cat, in fact, disposes  theobromine very slowly compared to us, so its effects are more lasting. To this, we must also add the ingested dose; if for us a small square of chocolate often fails to even give us the effects we have just listed, it can even be fatal for our small animals, precisely because of the imposing action on the body.

In addition to the direct effect of theobromine, we must also consider that chocolate is often enriched with important quantities of sugars and fats, which of course are not good for our four-legged friends, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal disorders, pancreatitis and diabetes.

As for the cat, on the other hand, generally his demanding and picky palate in these cases is very useful. The sweet taste, in fact, is not very appreciated by felines, who in most cases disdain chocolate and various sweets.

In what quantities can it be toxic?

In the field of toxic substances, each potentially dangerous food is associated with a dose - Lethal Dose 50 or DL50 - capable of causing death in half of the animals that have taken it. For theobromine, we speak of a dose equal to 300 mg per kg of body weight of the animal, as regards the dog, 200 mg / kg for the cat.

cane cioccolato velenoso tossico

Theobromine is contained in high quantities in the raw cocoa bean, but its content tends to decrease during the manufacturing processes that will lead to our beloved chocolate bar. Therefore, we can say that on average there is a variable quantity based on the type of chocolate. On average, milk and white chocolate contain very little theobromine, because the percentage of cocoa compared to the other ingredients is minimal. On the contrary, dark chocolate is certainly the most dangerous, because it contains the highest percentage. Let's see in detail the content of theobromine in a 100 gram bar of chocolate, according to the different varieties:

  • Cocoa beans: 1.1-4.3 grams
  • Dark chocolate: 0.45-1.6 grams (on average it contains 70% cocoa)
  • Milk chocolate: 0.15-0.22 grams (on average it contains 30% cocoa)
  • White chocolate: 0.0009 grams (practically only traces)

At this point, we can calculate an estimate the dose of chocolate that can cause a toxic effect on the dog. For a small animal, for example a 3 kg Chihuahua, about 50 grams of excellent quality dark chocolate are sufficient, while for a 10 kg dog about 180 grams of the same variety will be needed. Instead, if we consider milk chocolate, clearly the intoxication will be caused by a much greater quantity, approximately 300 grams of product for each kg of body weight of the dog.

Another factor to consider is the size of the dog. It is clear that small dogs are much more sensitive to theobromine intoxication than large dogs, with the same quantity of product ingested.

The symptoms of chocolate intoxication

In principle, it is not said that a small piece of milk chocolate will cause great problems for our dog. In these cases, in fact, the same recommendations that our mothers reserved for us when we were young could apply. After eating a little more, we would certainly have had a great stomach ache, with possible vomiting or diarrhoea, which resolved in a short time.

A different matter is that of intoxication by higher doses of theobromine. Symptoms typically appear 2-4 hours after ingestion. In a first phase they include:

  • Agitation
  • Hyperactivity
  • Polyuria (increased urine production)

Subsequently, the situation tends to get worse, with:

  • Tremor
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Strong excitement
  • Temperature increase
  • Accelerated breathing
  • Low pressure
  • Heart attacks
  • Seizures

If the quantities are excessive, serious internal bleeding can occur, which will lead to death of the animal in a short time.


The first thing to do, if your dog has ingested chocolate, is to contact the veterinarian immediately. Based on the quantity and type of chocolate, he can recommend an appropriate remedy. In any case, therapy should be timely, preferably within 2, maximum 4 hours form the assumption, or before the theobromine enters the circulation. Within the first 2 hours we can stimulate vomiting ourselves, to facilitate the elimination of chocolate, by giving the dog a solution made with one part of hydrogen peroxide and two parts of natural water.

If the amount ingested is very high or if 2 hours have already passed, we will have to run to the veterinarian, who will treat the intoxication by targeting the individual symptoms caused by poisoning, since there is no real antidote for theobromine. Treatment involves:

  • Gastric lavage
  • Emetics (drugs to stimulate vomiting)
  • Antiemetics (if the dog vomits profusely)
  • Activated carbon (absorbs the toxic substance)
  • Phlebotherapy to supplement lost fluids
  • Tranquilizers (benzodiazepines or barbiturates to reduce agitation, tremors and convulsions)
  • Antiarrhythmics (to regularize the heart beat)

cane malato intossicazione cioccolato

In most cases, if we manage to intervene promptly, our friend will be safe within a few hours of treatment.

Useful tip: if your dog accidentally ate chocolate, consult this site to calculate the risk depending on the weight of the animal and the quantity ingested.

Arriva il primo smartphone

The first smartphone for cats and dogs

All owners would like to step up their checks to make sure that their dog is safe, both inside and outside their house. From Motorola comes the first hi-tech collar that allows you to monitor all of his movements with a simple click.

The name of this device is Motorola Scout 5000, with the smaller version called the Scout 2500, designed especially for cats and small dogs. It represents an innovative middle ground between a smartphone and a GPS locator.

It should be applied to the dog's collar, on the front of the animal's neck, and is equipped with a long series of tools and services.

Among these, the most innovative is undoubtedly the one that allows you to record high-definition movies whenever you want, thanks to the presence of a wide-angle HD video camera.

The device is able to boast both a Wi-Fi connection and a 3G module, to be connected even outside the home.

Thanks to the GPS sensor, moreover, it is possible to easily locate an animal that often tends to move away from home, but you can also use it to find out what they do during their solitary walks.

Among the most curious services offered by the Scout 5000 and 2500, there is also the possibility of communicating directly with your pet thanks to short voice messages.

The launch price announced by Motorola is $ 199 for the Scout 5000 and $ 99 for the Scout 2500.

This is undoubtedly an excellent idea to always stay connected with your four-legged friend



immagine Piante tossiche e velenose per il cane e il gatto

Toxic and poisonous plants for cats and dogs

Animals are very curious, especially when they are still puppies. It may happen that they ignore most of the quality foods we offer them, and then choose the leaves of our favourite plant as an appetizing snack. Some of these, however, are really very dangerous for our four-legged friends. Here are the toxic and poisonous plants for dogs and cats.

The most common toxic plants

We speak above all of the plants commonly found in our homes. Among the main ones we find:

  • Holly: the rounded and bright red berries make holly one of the most common Christmas plants, together with the Christmas star (see below). Potentially, all parts of Holly can be toxic, but in particular berries and leaves, which are rich in irritating saponins and substances that reduce the presence of oxygen in the blood. Ingestion mainly leads to vomiting, diarrhoea, increased salivation and abdominal pain, up to coma and death;
  • Azalea: the ingestion of azalea leaves can cause serious gastrointestinal irritations, which are manifested by vomiting, diarrhea and increased salivation, but also by neurological symptoms, leading to weakness and drowsiness, up to coma and death;
  • khalanchoe: the ingestion of the sheet pile is capable of causing gastrointestinal irritation and serious heart problems, with possible arrhythmias;
  • Cyclamen: the roots are the most dangerous part of this plant. Ingestion causes very intense vomiting and gastrointestinal irritation, which can lead to death if they are not treated in time;

    piante tossiche velenose cane gatto

  • Dieffenbachia: also commonly known as Mother-in-law, Dieffenbachia is widespread in our homes. If ingested, but also only in contact with its leaves, it can cause serious irritation, often similar to allergic reactions. Inside, in fact, there are dangerous substances, such as oxalic acid or calcium oxalates, capable of causing vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation, abdominal pain, irritation and swelling of the mouth and all the digestive system , tiredness, depression;

  • Ivy: very common in gardens, if ingested it can mainly cause gastrointestinal irritations, with vomiting and diarrhea, while at higher doses it can also cause neurological, cardiac and respiratory problems;

  • Lily: some varieties are toxic to cats, such as Lilium Candidum, Tigrinum, Regale, Orientalis, Longiflorum, Speciosum, Lancifolium and Hemerocallis, whilst the climbing lily appears to be harmless. Two hours after ingestion, it causes gastrointestinal symptoms and weakness, while after several days the effects of a very serious kidney failure begin to appear, with increased thirst and tiredness;

  • Thrush: causes irritation to stomach and intestines, as well as heart damage;

  • Narcissus: this beautiful plant with yellow or white bell-shaped flowers can cause intoxication problems if the animal ingests the bulb or the water in which the flowers were placed. In addition to gastrointestinal irritation, it can cause serious heart problems, lowering blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. It is generally not lethal;

  • Oleander: the toxicity of the oleander is one of the best known. All parts of the plant, if ingested, can cause gastrointestinal irritations, heart problems, hypothermia - or lower body temperature - and in some cases even the death of the animal;

  • Castor: the most sensitive dogs to ingestion the castor oil or seeds will exhibit a sharp increase in body temperature within 24 hours, accompanied by vomiting, thirst, diarrhea, colic and death in 2-3 days.

  •  Christmas star: common name of Poinsettia or Euphorbia pulcherrima. It is a plant very present in most of our homes, especially during the Christmas period, because of its bright red leaves, which are well suited to the atmosphere of the holidays. If ingested, the Poinsettia is capable of causing serious gastrointestinal irritations, which are manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation and abdominal pain. Intoxication generally does not cause very serious damage, when compared to other dangerous plants;

  • Tulip: the tulip bulb causes vomiting, diarrhea, increased salivation, up to heart problems, tiredness, felling and convulsions. Particular attention should be paid especially if the animal has a tendency to dig holes in the garden.

Other plants that mainly cause gastrointestinal symptoms include:
cane mangia tulipani

  • Beautiful at night
  • Caladium
  • Ficus
  • Philodendron
  • Wisteria
  • Horse chestnut
  • Iris
  • Monstera
  • Thrush
  • Ortensia
  • Pothos
  • Bird of Paradise
  • Mistletoe

Perhaps not everyone knows, but among the plants toxic to animals, Nicotiana tabacum - the common cigarette tobacco - and Cannabis sativa, also known as Marijuana, one of the most common substances, should be included. Intoxication occurs mainly with the ingestion of the leaves and flowers of the plant, rarely through the inhalation of smoke.

Cannabis sativa contains particular active substances on the brain, normally looked for by those who use it for recreational purposes. The effects above all include weakness, drowsiness, tachycardia, urinary and faecal incontinence, often alternating with excitement and aggression. In most cases the effects disappear within 24-72 hours.

Tobacco is rich in nicotine, a substance that acts in a very particular way on the nervous system. Less than an hour after the ingestion of tobacco, the animal shows signs of hyperactivity, is restless, breathing becomes faster and may begin to lose saliva from the mouth. Vomiting is always present, especially if the ingested dose is low, while when it is high, it can be accompanied by more serious symptoms, up to convulsions and coma.

What to do in case of intoxication

If you have witnessed the ingestion of the plant with your own eyes, immediately take the dog or cat to another room. Clearly, the first thing to do is to contact your veterinarian, telling him which plant it is. Then rely on his instructions or take him immediately to his clinic.

One of the most important strategies in case of ingestion of plants and toxic substances is to make the animal vomit. The strategies for achieving this effect are different, starting with hydrogen peroxide or salt. In any case, it is good to strictly follow the veterinarian's instructions. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the nearest clinic or clinic within a few minutes, contact him by phone and ask how you could intervene in the meantime.

We remind you to avoid the administration of milk, because, contrary to popular opinion, it is not the ideal antidote to any type of intoxication. On the contrary, it can even promote the absorption of some fat-soluble toxic substances, that is, those that dissolve better in fats.


I cani comprendono il nostro linguaggio, uno studio lo rivela

Dogs can understand our language, a study reveals it

According to a recent study published in "Current Biology", dogs would be able to understand human language, setting in motion a whole series of actions from the neurological point of view to be able to decipher what we are telling them.

Let's face it. We all talk to our dog or cat, some only in private, some also in public. We confide in him our thoughts, praise him with endorsements and nicknames invented on the spot, and we often ask him about his moods. It is no coincidence we refer to them as friends.

In particular, dogs seem the most involved in our conversations, which apparently may seem "crazy" by someone who is not lucky enough to live with a pet.

In fact, when we talk to the dog, he observes us carefully and is ready to rotate his head, as if he were approving our speech.

From today, you can show this article to all your friends who make fun of you every time they see you communicating with your pet. Let's find out why.

According to the study published in "Current Biology", in fact, it would seem that dogs are really able to get as close as possible to our language.

The confirmation comes from some neurological tests carried out, in an absolutely cruelty-free way, on some domestic dogs. According to the outcome of these tests, some areas of the dog's brain would activate to process the sounds emitted by humans.

The mechanism behind listening and understanding could be very similar in humans and dogs.

In both cases, in fact, the brain is divided into two parts, called hemispheres, right and left. When someone talks to us, the left part tries to connect a linguistic meaning to the sound of words, while the right part combines the sound to emotions and sensations.

In a nutshell, if the teacher scolds a child, the left hemisphere will understand the meaning of the words used to blame him, whilst the right hemisphere will allow the child to be informed that the teacher's voice is angry.

At this point, it is important to introduce the concept of the hemispherical "bias": in humans, the sounds perceived with the right ear are sent to the left hemisphere and vice versa, with a sort of exchange of information.

It is on this concept that the whole study is based on.

In fact, it has been shown that the dog's brain also carries out this exchange of information, made possible by the "bias". Consequently, by making him listen to a sound, the dog will turn his head to the right if he wants to receive the information with the left hemisphere, the one responsible for the meaning, and vice versa to the left if he wants to receive the information with the right hemisphere, responsible instead emotional listening.

This is the most accredited theory so far believed that dogs are able to receive sounds exclusively from an emotional point of view. An angry voice is equivalent to a rebuke, while a cheerful tone to something positive.

During the experiment, the dog was placed in front of a device that emitted sounds with different intensity.

By eliminating the modulation of the voice, until an expressionless sound is obtained, the dog turned his head to the right, receiving the information with the left hemisphere, just the one that is needed to decipher the linguistic meaning of the words.

The result, therefore, has discredited the most common theory, leading us to discover that the dog is truly capable of understanding our voice.


immagine Alano

Great Dane dog

The Great Dane dog is considered the biggest and most powerful of dogs. Protective, affectionate and balanced, he loves company but can be reserved towards strangers. He loves children but can become too expansive whilst playing.

immagine La chiave del legame uomo-cane è nello sguardo

The key to our bond with our pet are the looks

Finally, no one will be able to make fun of all the owners who consider and treat their dogs as children. To redeem them is the discovery that the deep bond at the basis of the man-dog relationship is induced by oxytocin, whose production is stimulated simply by looking into the eyes.

This was stated by a recent article published by the journal "Science" ("Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds") on the study conducted by the team of researchers led by dr. Miho Nagasawa from Azabu University in Sagamihara, Japan.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, a specific area of ​​our brain, to be released into the circulation by the pituitary gland, a very important gland that regulates the main endocrine reactions. This hormone has several functions, among which the best known - especially among women - is that related to pregnancy. Oxytocin, in fact, is released when the foetus is ready to come out, and intervenes by stimulating the contractions of the uterus essential for childbirth. In addition, it also induces the establishment of the unique bond between mother and child immediately after birth. Specifically, during breastfeeding, the stimulation of the nipple by the newborn stimulates the release of oxytocin, which consequently determines the increase in prolactin, another important hormone underlying the production of breast milk. But that's not all, because in recent years it has been shown that oxytocin - and consequently also prolactin - are freed from the mother also by simply listening to the cry of a newborn baby, smelling its characteristic clean odour and even looking into his eyes. In conclusion, if "a mother is always a mother" it is thanks to the role of oxytocin.

Another important mechanism mediated by this hormone is falling in love, it is also known as the "love hormone". In essence, the classic "love at first sight" exists, and is it triggered by the same endocrine event underlying the relationship between mother and child.

Thanks to the research of the Nagasawa team, it is now known that the base of these special bonds that unite man and dog or mother and son is the release of oxytocin. Concisely, when our dog gives us his wonderful sweetheart looks, he is reinforcing his bond with us, and vice versa.

According to the study, moreover, oxytocin could also influence the dog's ability to recognize our voice or our steps, and even the ability to decipher the messages of the different types of looks, such as a serene, determined, frightened or angry.

sguardo cane cucciolo