Cane salva la padrona dal tumore

Dog saves owner from tumour

Dogs are the man's closest friends. Proof of this is the fact that they have really great levels of attachment to us humans.

The dog elects its owner as leader of the pack, so he becomes its point of reference, its company and, in a way, its best friend. The relationship is in fact mutual and the affection that we humans give to the dog is rewarded with a great devotion and an attachment that goes beyond the boundaries of the natural.

Let's analyze, for example, dogs know perfectly the habits of their owners and recognize their step, the noise of the car or the scooter approaching. An interesting research recently monitored the behaviour of dogs when the owner is at work. At the exact moment when the owner looks at his watch and gets up to go home, the dog senses this change and begins to fidget, wagging his tail and preparing to welcome him at the door of the house.

This event takes place even if the distance between dog and owner covers a radius of several kilometres, so we can really be amazed by their peculiar behaviour.

Dogs are sensitive to the habits and health of the owner. Recently, science is dealing with their propensity to discover serious pathologies in the body of the owners, such as tumours.

Dogs have a special sense of smell, which allows them to 'break' odour molecules into many small sections and to isolate smells that are abnormal and considered dangerous. It is no coincidence that many dogs employed by the police are used to find traces of blood and body fragments for the recovery of missing persons.

The changes in the health of the owners are immediately perceived by the dogs, who point it out by licking certain areas of the body or by insisting on rubbing the muzzle in a particular section. It is therefore possible that their sense of smell allows them to discover tumour pathologies even before symptoms appear and before modern diagnostic systems can reveal their existence.

In this regard, we want to tell you a couple of news cases, which may be emblematic of this special power that dogs have. Allison Powel, a 47-year-old woman, had been noticing the dog's special attention to her left breast for several months. In fact, his Labrador continually rubbed his face on that specific area of ​​the body.

Allison was able to understand the message her dog was giving her and promptly went for a specialist examination, which revealed early stage breast cancer. In this case, the message was fortunately received promptly by the owner, who was able to intervene quickly and save her life. During hospitalization, the Labrador felt sad and distressed, recovering energy as his owner was recovering as well. It is a very strong empathy, which involves two apparently different beings, but capable of understanding each other's sensations. Now Allison has returned home and every morning her dog sniffs her from top to bottom, perhaps to get a thorough check-up and make sure everything is okay.

The thing has happened to many women all over the world, such as the case of Claire Guest, who discovered early breast cancer. As well as a 57-year-old lady living in New York, who was able to intervene quickly thanks to the discovery of a tumour by his Doberman Troy. Striking cases, which reveal a special sense of smell of dogs.

According to specific studies, animals are able to understand the presence of tumours because the diseased cells produce substances that have a different smell. It appears that dogs can detect the presence of prostate tumours. The training of dogs to detect cancer cells in patients' urine is underway.

What can I say; dogs are really a man's best friend. If their great strength can be used to save human lives, that would be an awesome advance for the scientific department. Prevention has always been the best cure to fight disease.



First aid manual for animals

Our site,, is primarily concerned with the health and welfare of pets.

If you need information on the behaviour of your dog or cat, on the functioning of diseases or vaccines, on the legal aspects that affect a pet owner, you can consult our pages and you will surely find the article that best suits your needs.

However, although the network is increasingly widespread, in some situations it is not reachable, because perhaps we do not have a compatible phone, or still do not have a computer at hand. Perhaps we might even lack internet connection.

The most serious situations are certainly those in which urgent intervention is necessary for our dog or our cat.

With all the warnings, it can happen that our dog suddenly starts shaking, or starts vomiting, or even gets hurt and we realize that a bone has broken. The first instinct is to take him to the vet, which obviously must be done, but it is not always the first choice.

In some situations, by the time we take the car and drive to our closest clinic it might be too late for the vet intervention.

We have decided to write an eBook. An electronic book that you can insert on any of your devices: computers, tablets, phones or eBook readers. Of course, you can also print it and read it on paper.

The title of the book is "Manual of First Aid for Animals", written by Valerio Guiggi, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and scientific director of the site, and by Antonella Schiavone, student in Veterinary Medicine.

The book has been designed for a double use: the first is obviously to do normal reading, which will be useful to inform you so that you are always ready in case of an emergency.

The second use is that of emergency situations: the book has been divided into sections that can be quickly consulted in conditions of need, so that you can immediately find information on what is happening to your pet and on how to behave before reaching the vet.

The eBook is designed to be carried with us, using smartphones and tablets; in the book you will find written explanations as well as schematic drawings to explain how to carry out the simplest operations, for example the first bandages for our animals.

The download is free. To download the book you simply register using the form you find on this page. Make sure you enter your correct email address, since an email message will be sent to that address in which you will find a copy of the book in various formats attached.

Choose the one that best suits the device you have, then copy the manual via computer to your eBook reader, smartphone, tablet, consulting it directly from your PC or print it.

You can also open the email directly from your smartphone or tablet: in this case you will need to install specific apps to be able to read it (for example, iBooks from the App Store if you have an iPhone or iPad, or Google Play Books from the Play Store if you have an Android device).

So check that the book works and remember not to delete it: if you have the device with you, even without an internet connection, you will always know what to do with your pet in situations of need.

The Animal First Aid Manual will be sent to your email address after registering on this page. If there are problems and the book does not arrive once registered and logged in, you can download the eBook via this page.

Dog Blood Donors, la prima banca dati italiana dei cani donatori

Dog Blood Donors, the first Italian database of donor dogs

Blood transfusions are not only an exclusive human need, dogs and cats may also need them in particular situations. Those of us who have the opportunity to spend time on social media will surely have noticed the presence of several announcements of desperate owners and veterinary clinics that require urgent blood donations for hospitalized animals. Precisely in the face of these increasingly numerous requests, but also in view of the growing difficulty in finding blood for transfusions at the time of need, the first database of donor dogs was developed.

The DbD - Dog Blood Donors, this is the name of the database, is financed by the "Almore Fund" social fund of the famous Almo Nature brand and sponsored by the National Association of Italian Veterinarians and by the National Federation of the Italian Veterinary Order.

The service has been active since the 1st of October 2014 and allows all dog owners to register their four-legged friend in the database, so vets can use them in case of need or to help less fortunate dogs.

cane donatore di sangue trasfusioni dbd

Veterinarians who want to join the service can do so comfortably by registering on the DbD website, in order to make their facility visible throughout Italy, becoming easily contacted by all interested owners.

Registered veterinarians will be able to carry out the classification of the blood group of four-legged patients for free. The entire amount, including sampling and laboratory tests, will be fully supported by the "Almore Fund" foundation.

Owners, on the other hand, will be able to request registration of their dog in the database directly online, by entering a series of data to assess the animal's actual suitability for blood donations.

Once the main characteristics have been ascertained, owners will be contacted to carry out blood sampling and blood group classification by one of the veterinarians enrolled in the service. The veterinarian will complete the registration by communicating the data relating to the blood group of the animal.

Dogs registered in the database can be contacted when needed to help other compatible four-legged dogs, and at the same time, they can consult the list of members in case of need themselves.

When a dog in need calls, the owners will be able to decide whether or not to consent the collection of blood for transfusions from their dog, based on the needs of the moment, the commitments and their will. The transfusion, in fact, is not taxable in any way, but remains totally voluntary.

The cost of the transfusion will also be covered by the foundation up to a maximum of € 150.00, equivalent to the average value of a blood bag.

For more information, visit the official Dog Blood Donors website.




Why does my cat meow at me even when he has a full bowl of food?

 A very funny aspect of our domestic cats is related to the time of feeding. Many cats, in fact, often meow nonstop in front of the bowl, even though it is still half-full.

The cat has always been considered a very smart animal, due to some typical attitudes. Among these, we find above all its ability to ask continuously for food, even if the bowl is not empty yet. It would seem that, according to feline logic, there is no middle ground between a full bowl and an empty one. The view of the bottom of the bowl automatically indicates that the food is finished, and our task is to fill it. Immediately.

Partially, this reasoning is true, but some aspects should be clarified.

ciotola piena vuota gatto

The cat is an animal that is very used to its routines and habits, so if it begins to understand that by meowing it will get food, it will do so very often. By doing this, the bowl will be constantly regenerated with new and fresh crunchies each time. We know very well, in fact, that he is able to evaluate the freshness of the food we offer him, so crunchies left in the bowl for several hours may no longer be interesting for him. If your cat belongs to this category of superfine palates, it will also tend to meow in front of a bowl full of food.

On the contrary, if the cat is desperate only at the sight of the bottom of the bowl, it will probably be enough for you to move it a bit, redistributing the treats inside. Et voila, the bowl is full again just by moving them around a bit. In these cases, the explanation could be more complex.

In nature, felines tend to prevent all aspects that can lead to deprivation. This means that if the bowl is half-empty, they receive some kind of alarm signal, which warns them of the impending fasting period. In this case, therefore, they meow to warn us that the food is about to end, so it would be preferable to fill it immediately, rather than risk finding it empty at the next peckish.

That is not all. In fact, some cats are "social eaters", which does not mean that they tend to tear their friends to pieces, but  they refuse to eat if they don’t have company. The typical situation is the cat who wants to be stroked while eating or just requires our presence. This will calm him down, allowing him to eat quietly.

So don't worry if your cats gets desperate in front of the half-full bowl. He sees the food, but he is just a little demanding.

picture explanation: piena = full     vuota= empty

Source :



The therapeutic benefits of the cat's purr

 After reading this news, many of you will probably run to adopt a cat or try to spend most of your days with your feline, just to see the effects. The cat's purr, in fact, would have the ability to induce numerous beneficial effects on our body. This is demonstrated by Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, expert in animal bioacoustics and president of the Fauna Communication Research Institute.

According to Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, the explanation of this phenomenon should be attributed to the frequency of the sound waves. The human ear is able to perceive sounds between a frequency of 20 and 10,000 Hz. The purr of the cat is placed between 20 and 50 Hz, but in some cases, they can even reach 140 HZ, so we are perfectly able to hear them.

There are many theories regarding the purr of cats, but one of the most certain explanations says that cat are able to self-heal with purring. In particular, the frequency of purring would be very similar to the one that stimulates bone healing in case of fractures. It is no coincidence, in fact, that felines are able to heal very quickly. Certainly not because they really have seven lives.

As some of us may know, felines can purr for a variety of reasons. For example, it may happen that an injured or frightened cat may begin to purr. In this case, it could act to stimulate brain frequencies that induce a state of relaxation to fight against stress.

The explanation would be found in the typical phenomenon of acoustic resonance. As an example, let's think of musicians, who often use the tuning fork to tune their voice or instruments. This small steel instrument, when struck, produces a vibration, with a frequency that corresponds to the musical note, La. If we bring the vibrating tuning fork close to a second "stationary" tuning fork, it will begin to vibrate in a short time as the first one. Sound waves, in the form of vibration, can in fact be transferred from one object to another.

Similarly, if we approach a cat while it purrs, the vibrations perceived by our ear will be transferred to our brain, which will begin to "tune" in to the same frequency.

That's why, according to Elizabeth von Muggenthaler's study, cats could be the source of our healing. The effects of the purr would be aimed mainly at:

  • Bones: according to experts, bones would heal at a frequency of 50 Hz, perfectly compatible with that of the cat's purr;
  • Heart and cardiovascular system: the cat's purring would be able to slow the heartbeat and lower blood pressure, thus preventing the risk of stroke, heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • Lungs: the relaxing effect of the purr would consequently also affect the breathe, lowering its frequency;
  • Wounds: purring could also help soft tissue regenerate in the event of injury and trauma;
  • Infections: the cat's “ron-ron” sound would even be able to act on infections, with two parallel mechanisms. On the one hand, it would help to repair damaged tissues, and neutralize the attack by some bacteria;
  • Stress, anxiety and depression: by listening to a cat purr, we could stimulate the typical brain frequencies to rest, immediately feeling more serene and relaxed.

At this point, we just have to lie down next to our four-legged friend to check if this theory is true.



Alessandro, the male cat that wanted to breastfeed its kittens

An unbelievable story, the cat who wanted to breastfeed his babies to try to save them. It is not just another sad story of abandonment, but a real story that should make us think.

It was September 8, 2014, when a box containing a big surprise was found at the foot of a dumpster near the playground in Candiolo, in the province of Turin: a cat with her two babies. The usual unscrupulous people have seen fit to get rid of them, putting all three of them in a box to be thrown away, carelessly, next to yet another bin.

Volunteers did not waste time and immediately transported the unfortunates to the nearest veterinary clinic. The situation was not the best for the two little kittens, who were still too small to survive without adequate care. In spite of everything, the mother cat did everything to try to guarantee her children the love, warmth and nourishment they need. It never separates from them and stayed still in the box all the time, lovingly enduring their incessant need to feed.

Meanwhile, after several searches, local volunteers manage to find a family to take care of all three. Everything is ready for arrival in the new home. The three even have a name: Alessandra, the mother, with the little ones Sofia and Alberto.

sofia alberto gattini alessandro gatto mammo

When everything seems to be going for the best, that bad news arrives. The little ones keep meowing at the top of their lungs and one of them still seems too small, considering that kittens usually grow up day after day. The suspicion is that the mother cat is actually unable to produce enough milk for both of them, so the vet and the volunteers immediately check the breasts, to clarify the situation.

Normally a lactating cat is expected to have all the breasts bulky, but what they discover leaves everyone speechless. Not only is there a single breast that is more swollen, but it is also very red, with the nipple strongly irritated by the vain attempts of the young kittens to feed.

That is not all. Looking a little closer, they also discover that Alessandra is actually Alessandro. An adult male cat who has dedicated whole days and nights looking after two unfortunate kittens, trying to save them with his own care and love. Although he had no food to offer them, he endured with great patience the babies clinging to his nipples, biting them and causing wounds.

The little ones are immediately entrusted to a volunteer, who takes care of feeding them with bottles and artificial milk for several days. Unfortunately, however, despite everyone's care and commitment, especially from Alessandro, Sofia and Alberto couldn’t make it because of various infections at a very young age.

This story surprised everyone. Alessandro is fine today, he has found a family that takes care of him and loves him, and has undoubtedly become the most famous male mom cat in Italy.
